Your moment of truth has finally come. No matter if you receive financial support or you are paying your own way through college, what you see is what you get. Here are some important actions to remember when visiting a college that you would consider attending:
- Talk to as many people as possible, including the ENTIRE team and coaching staff, along with other students, faculty, campus employees, etc.
- Insist on having somebody on the academic side detail in writing a curriculum that will satisfy your degree preference.
- Schedule an interview with the admissions office to determine how you compare to other students.
- Learn about the college environment.
- Determine the placement record for students in your field.
- Attend a class.
- Check out all facilities (residence halls, dining facilities, training facilities, arena, etc.).
- Ask about the financial aid opportunities, and what you may be eligible for.
- Obtain a school calendar and fee schedule.
- Take a campus tour.
- Identify career planning services for undergrads.
- Visit the library.
- Investigate transportation options to and from the campus (local shops, grocery stores, hospitals, and your house).
- Find out what students do outside of class time and study time.
- Become aware of student activities.
- Inquire about campus life, dating and social activities.